سکس در کانادا
سکس در کانادا

سکس در کانادا

Life expectancy at various ages, by population group and sex, Canada

Tjepkema M, Wilkins R. Remaining life expectancy at age 25 and probability of survival to age 75, by socioeconomic status and Aboriginal ancestry.

Sex ratio of multiple sclerosis in Canada: a longitudinal study

The substantial increase in the female to male sex ratio in Canada seems to result from a disproportional increase in incidence of multiple sclerosis in

The Daily — Canada is the first country to provide census data on

The 2021 Census of Population included for the first time a question on gender and the precision of "at birth" on the sex question, allowing all

Same-Sex Marriage Ten Years On: Lessons from Canada - Public

The effects of same-sex civil marriage in Canada—restrictions on free speech rights, parental rights in education, and autonomy rights of

Sex Offender Recidivism: A Simple Question

Although reports to police of violent and sexual crimes were steadily declining in Canada between the years 1993 and 1999; the years 2000 and

Census in Brief: Same-sex couples in Canada in 2016

Highlights · According to the 2016 Census, there were 72,880 same‑sex couples in Canada in 2016, representing 0.9% of all couples. · From 2006

Talaria X3 (xXx) - Talaria Canada

talaria X3 (XXX) Introducing the Talaria X3 (also known as the XXX). The X3 comes equipped with a unique 60V battery design that runs across the frame (25Ah

Indigenous sex-selective salmon harvesting demonstrates pre

Indigenous sex-selective salmon harvesting demonstrates pre-contact marine resource management in Burrard Inlet, British Columbia, Canada.

Same-Sex Marriage in Canada | The Canadian Encyclopedia

The federal Civil Marriage Act came into force on 20 July 2005, making same-sex marriage legal across Canada. Canada became the third country to

Sex and Gender in Health Research – CIHR

CIHR's Sex and Gender-Based Analysis (SGBA) in Research Action Plan ensures that health research in Canada leads to sound science and reliable

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