.touched Roblox
BasePart | Documentation - Creator Hub
FallenPartsDestroyHeight. When CanCollide is disabled, parts may still fire the BasePart.Touched event (as well the other parts touching them). You can disable
Is it possible to if a touched event? - DevForum |
Like, if part.Touched then because I am working on a game that if a part is touched, something happens, but when it isn't tou…
Touched Event | Lua Wiki | Fandom
Here is an Example Below of a Touched Event script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent.ChiefKeef Print("Part Touched")Remember to Put
How could I make a script run if u touch a part? - DevForum |
If you don't want anything to happen if you touch a certain part, then just don't have a function for that specific part. 1 Like. noxiirity (Noxirity)
How Bad Is Touched Event? And Why? - DevForum |
I have seen tons of posts talking about how the touched event is not firing properly or even not firing at all and also seen people talking about how it can
absolutely horrendous event moment :
A community for the free game building platform. Touched event on any of the body parts and checks if the part touching is named
lua - Touched function Studio - Stack Overflow
You could try using the IsRegion3Empty function, which should more reliably return whether there are any players standing directly above the
lua - touch event on a block only for feets - Stack Overflow
If you're trying to handle the collision when a player touches a part with his legs, your code is fine, but if you want to detect when a
Dev Tips on Twitter: "Use Humanoid.Touched event to detect
Use Humanoid.Touched event to detect when player touches a part, instead of setting up Touched events for each limb
why is the event not working in studio? - Scripting
The problem here is that the Touched event is being called when it touches anything. So when the game started it was probably already touching