anal only lifestyle
anal only lifestyle

Anal Only Lifestyle

is a place to discuss the a sex life that omits the the more traditional in favour of…

Forum - Sex Advice & Discussion

A community of people who embrace the preferring sex over vaginal and choosing to replace it fully. If this describes or interests

- Literotica Discussion Board

So I happened to stumble upon a new forum recently for practitioners of AO or the

How hard is it for you maintain - Quora

but find it hard to maintain in practice. That's not how it is for me. Having vaginal sex or using


Learn more and ask questions about sex and the a growing movement to fully replace vaginal sex with

Welcome to the Where Straight People Go Butts

“Everyone has their own little take on what means to them,” reads a disclaimer at the bottom of the site's official forum. “The

Why You Should Join the Double - Two in the Rear

As a woman who has been enjoying the benefits of pure and near-daily double sex for over two years now, I want to strongly encourage everyone who has

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How to convince this girl to go with me

So I was hoping that we could do it in the ass. I mean: works for me. I have been seeing these trends about How do I

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Anal Only Lifestyle