Funny Sex Acts
the obscure thread (NSFW) - 2GN.ORG
Example -Angry Pirate Deff - when you ejaculate in a girls eye and kick her in the shin. Effect - she hops on one foot holding a
Let's stick with "restaurants that sound like for 800$ Alex : r
6.6K votes, 115 comments. 62M subscribers in the community. Reddit's largest humor depository.
15 Really Gross You Probably Didn't Know Existed
Top 15 gross that are just not worth trying… ever! · 1. Mexican Pancake · 2. Lion King · 3. Sour Apple Smoothie · 4. Wolfbagging · 5. Alligator Fuckhouse · 6
I'll take "Restaurant names that sound like for $400, Alex : r
46K votes, 1.3K comments. 62M subscribers in the community. Reddit's largest humor depository.
Is it normal for a girl to act strange/distant after - Quora
Its not uncommon. She may not have liked it fully, or just be feeling awkward around you. The best thing you can do is communicate with her.
25 Of The Most Hilarious And Their Meanings
Here is the complete list of hilarious and their meanings. Alexander Graham Bell One chick gives you oral while her friend puts her
Dear Jim Norton, You're Not — REST
with other children, used both men and women in of prostitution, and preferred of violence and dominance. At one point, he
Is joking about gay homophobic?
If that has to occur separately from the act, so be it. It's Getting Weird. My Husband Said Something Awful to Me During Now
Things that crossed the line for me - love is respect
If your partner tries to guilt you into having or persuade you into performing a act, or tries to justify their forcefulness, or in any way makes
Here's The “Best” Urban Dictionary Act From Each State :
That's what I thought. I always ask for the beak, just to fuck with my grandma. God I love that woman. No one eats the neck here. I have no