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German Shepherd Pussy

My ear feels like there is puss or a bubble of

My ear feels like there is puss or a bubble of infection. She can't walk straight, constantly cries.

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My 4 year old female has a irritated vulva which is

Vaginitis can be caused by a narrow vagina/vulva leading to urine pooling which can be common in a foreign body, or an immune

In Heat Female, Vulva Swelling | Forum

A normal vulva is triangular at the bottom, and sticks out more. Do NOT follow the advice this website gives on spaying - large breed dogs

Swollen Vulva ? :

It does not quite look large enough to know if she is fully in heat yet. You will know if it starts to engorge. Also, look for her to not be

In heat and vulva is very swollen | Forum

In heat and vulva is very swollen Yes that is very normal. Quite normal. Walk her through a dog show and watch people go O.O!!!!! Super

How to teach my 12-week-old to stop nipping at

How do I teach my 12-week-old to stop nipping at my ankles? NO good footing around with treats and soft approaches.—

Puss like discharge from penis (yellow/green) |

My guy has that. My MIL who has raised all manner of male animals very maturely called it "wienie-juice". My understanding is that it's more

My 18 month old female shepard/husky mix is on her heat

vulva. This may be a vaginal prolapse. She will need I have a 9-month-old belgian malinois mix puppy

My 1 and half year old is too soft. She welcomes

for not attacking him immediately. He has never challenged him again. From that day on I knew that my big cuddle buddy would turn

German Shepherd Pussy