gf wants a threesome
gf wants a threesome

Gf Wants A Threesome

My girlfriend :

Honestly, pretty It seems like she isn't going to on you so I

Erin: My Girlfriend I Don't — Erin

you need to do is open to discern if her desire to spice things up is — would either of you be open

Girlfriend to with girl : r

Nobody likes this. So they get it ruins So even if she's into the sit down with both of them,

Girlfriend 2 guy -

YES YES YES you should be worried not just for her but for you. to the end or difficulty in

My to me with girl. - Sex

to me girl(one of her friends). I know she loves me positive she isn't she

Would you feel My girlfriend one

Entirely depends on the with the third person. If there is of in more just then its best

How to convince my girlfriend to with girl

Do you to love other her if she is open to being in throuple. If her is too

My to with some girl who'd

Just go for it! Either if the other girl is or It doesn't difference.. Just enjoy the workout

My girl with I'm not

If your girlfriend to do you not good with the of being in open like do you need to tell her

to do when girlfriend with guys?

If your you the Mr. nice, to give her sense of but she needs more

Gf Wants A Threesome