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of plays a factor when it comes to urine turf damage | Lawn

Male are also more territorial and do more “marking” than female and so they tend to urinate small amounts in a number of different

Is there any harm in letting your neutered male mount a female

However, spayed and neutered have been known to take part in 'recreational Sounds crazy but I had a couple of several years ago

Do people actually think there's a problem with male having

She has a pink leash, pink harness, and pink collar!! They also did it when she had a turquoise harness. I guess the default for in the

If a male does not mate, what will he go through, like biting and

are not like humans. They don't have an emotional attachment to They seem to enjoy it when it happens, but they don't react

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Brian is both a and a Person, and depending on the context of a situation can easily switch between how everyone perceives him in order to

How do animals like know whether another is male or

use a combination of visual cues, scent, body language, and vocalizations to determine the of another from a distance. Visual

why does my male keep trying to have with my other male

It's not about drive or even really dominance. It's excitement/nervousness. And the younger is now old enough to engage the other as an

Should I let my puppy hump his toy? Should I stop him? Which is

It's usually more about dominance than I have a female chiwennie who humps a male cat. That's for I'm higher status than you, and don't

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