hard spanking by mom
hard spanking by mom

Hard Spanking By Mom

Should be administered the mother instead of the

My Mother spanked very on my bare bottom and each smack stung more than the one before. The worst was being spanked on my sit spot and 

Confessions of a - No Greater Joy Ministries

from was usually 10 firm spanks, and never anymore than 20 spanks. didn't spank very her were to correct 

How to ask my parents for a - Quora

My mother became very angry, she cried and said to me words. Originally Answered: How can I ask my to give me an adult

Toddlers and the Hitting Stage | Positive Discipline

We are reminded of a cartoon depicting a mother her child while saying, "I'll teach you not to hit someone smaller than you." When children hit, it 

What was the worst you have ever gotten from your

and I got my usual bare bottom over lap with one of her bedroom slippers (well, a very and long one) that made me cry 

Georgia beating teen on Facebook is not 'discipline'

I believe in but Georgia crossed the line in viral video The video is so to watch. I should probably clarify, since there 

Are there any out there with teenage kids

My then would lift up my dress and pull down my panties. The rubber paddle was little but fierce and she brought it down and fast about 

hits bottom line in parenting debate

I'm reticent, because in nearly 22 years as a mother, I've concluded that no topic in the realm of parenting elicits a more vehement response 

Adopted Children (don't-here's why) - The Adoptive

I only know, this child had faced abuse, and once the mama spanked, all chances of attachment went out the window for that child. Kids from

goes to jail for |

If you are hitting your child enough to leave marks, there's a huge problem. no reactions. 0. reply to comment Reply

Hard Spanking By Mom