how long do roblox appeals take
how long do roblox appeals take

How Long Do Roblox Appeals Take

it for the team to respond? :

The waiting time is bad as fuck, some times it can be 1-2 days but sometimes it can be a whopping 2 weeks.

Why is not responding to my appeal? I sent an appeal 2

From my experience of contacting support or they usually pretty The first email always is a quick response, but anything 

it usually for to reply to ban : r

typically replies within 24-78 Hours, I have appealed for a banned account before and said they will forward my email to the 

Support Form - Developer Forum |

So what should I as they won't respond to my appeal ticket? 2 as you be descriptive with your appeal. This always works. 1 

Why only reply to my when the ban is over? If I

They about 8 hours - 3 days to respond. But in the case of termination, I present 3 scenarios. 1. Banned Unfairly. Not going to lie, 

555 day response time - and counting - Developer Forum |

When you're subject to devforum moderation, the recommended way to appeal is via the Support form ticket. I did as recommended and after 555 

Appeal Your Content or Account Moderation – Support

Although most content cannot typically be restored once moderated, the team will their best to find a satisfactory resolution. and may seek 

Introducing an Improved Process - Developer Forum |

Today we are excited to start rolling out improvements to make filing an appeal to a moderated asset easier, more efficient, 

you guys ban usually - Forum

I've only sent one appeal and it took about four days. Also, make sure you send the appeal with an email address that is linked to your account, I didn't 

It for Support to Respond?

typically responds in 24-48 hours. If you email or send them a ticket through their customer support page, they should get back to you in a day or 

How Long Do Roblox Appeals Take