How Long Does It Take To Get Vc In Roblox
do i after my email on : r
All you need now is a phone number and email. a couple days or so become equipable but yes your-mother756 is correct.
do we voice chat an ID? - Developer Forum |
I'm outside of the US but I should be there soon, ill be sure try this when the time comes! The only way Id is
Just got my voice chat access suspended, is there a way
only shows up once and if your first offense normally just removed for 24 hours. If removed tell you on
see you have been banned from voice chat
I'm a similar issue, had reach out ask if there is a reason for the suspension as I didn't break any
do I enable Chat Voice?
Chat voice is a feature that allows people communicate on as naturally as they communicate the physical world. Developers have the choice
Anyone else trouble chat)? - Platform
Whenever I tried contact support about already my email and number, they just responded, “As this is a beta, if the option
check my account suspension duration - Quora
You only have 30 days appeal the of your account or will be permanently deleted. If you stay for a year, will be
Serious Problem Voice Chat Moderation - Platform Usage
will action and fix them. the 17+ games, bans have been place more than ever for no reason.
many until you banned on - Quora
As an average, people that do actions such as will 2 - 3 then a ban, another and time band and then a
is voice chat identification verification
anyone know This that US will special perks just their phone and email verified.