How To Not Get Idle Kicked In Roblox
Is there any way prevent AFK timeout? :
Say I'm a tycoon game and need hop away for a bit longer than 20 before the game kicks me for I don't want lose
Disable AFK - Support - Developer Forum |
is a function by It's possible remove it and there is no way around it, as it requires client be active as
long can I stay afk for on - Quora
you can do is use an so the game doesn't kick you out.
Is that possible kick player when he lose connection
There is no way modify the kick time with without the CoreGui, which only Staff Members have access
Be AFK Without - Tap, Play
The easiest way avoid for is and use an most games, counts as an
Wait Time Kick Players? - DevForum |
my game, players take turns their moves. I don't want the experience be by a guy who forgot turn off their PC when
Why does kick you out after 20 - Quora
It is so that they can have more server slots for others, this only happens when you do move and do do That is called it is also
for afk *on mobile*? | Forum
i'm only about mobile, PC or XBOX. do i off for afk? I wrapped a foil on my phone but i
Disconnected From While AFK? Be
avoid players can and use an most games, counts as an action mean once
anti afk free download - SourceForge
With Plus, you won't from because of AFK. You don't have click by yourself, let clicker do it for you.