husband won't stop watching porn
husband won't stop watching porn

Husband Won't Stop Watching Porn


If you can help it, avoid throwing any shade about during this period and crucially, don't shut him out. Keep praying for your and

My says he'll never which he does

I have been married for 22 years. Half of that time, my has been on the couch for cheating. Why he just leave me?

(18+) wont : r/relationship_advice

11 votes, 35 comments. So my and i have had an agreement for well over a year that he would among other things.

My Using - Accountable2You

Communicate your wants and needs. Put pressure on him to realize that he cannot have you and other women. Your marriage vows to each other

How to get my to - Quora

Get him distracted under some pretence. Like ask him to help him with this one thing or whatever. Make it sound like a quick chore - something

My Looking At — Changing Us

The other step to take is to start putting teeth behind your words. You have let him know that what he is doing is not acceptable to you, but if

Dear Annie: | The Spokesman

Instead of trying to get through to him via this column, try talking to him directly (again). Highlight the ways this behavior is impacting you

Despite promise to still | The

Men watch because they are turned on by the visual. You have a right to a sex life, but meddling with your computer fix your problem.

What My Partner's Obsession with Taught Me About Our

on my Ben's* (name has been changed) phone. Things He told me he's addicted and doesn't know how to He's looking at

Help! My Narcissistic Partner - Kim Saeed

In closing, if your partner watches mistreats you, degrades you, abuses you emotionally and physically, and engages in typical

Husband Won't Stop Watching Porn