is my husband watching porn
is my husband watching porn

Is My Husband Watching Porn

How to tell if has been masturbating to if he uses

You could do this crazy thing where you talk to your If you want to know if he's just ask him.

I found and now I feel betrayed

A lot of men (and quite a few women) watch to masturbate. It not unusual and it not a betrayal. While there are some serious

What a way to find out if still - Quora

You could ask him. But not in like in an accusatory tone like a mother talking down to a child, but rather, “Are you without

Choosing Grace When Your Watches - Faithfully

Pray for his heart to remain humble and teachable and for open communication to continue. Ask God to open his eyes to the harm that causing and

Why am I finding it hard to love as he watches

not directly related to loving a person. You need to first understand this. If you have a question in your mind that you

Why Does Watch

You wonder if he's even a decent, moral person. Maybe he's addicted to And if he's but not having physical intimacy with you

has been secretly ADVICE FROM BOTH

I can understand why you might be shocked to find him it if you thought he was not interested in But to be totally honest with

Am I overreacting over

First of all, you're not being controlling. That was something you both agreed to. Second, it's not “just It's also how he's lying to you

10 Signs of Addiction: Do these describe your

Signs Your May Be Addicted to · 1. Your has lost interest in sex. · 2. Your otherwise healthy unable to maintain

Why does watch more often than he has sex with

The reasons could be any number of things - intimacy self esteem erectile dysfunction resentment/marital problems.. but

Is My Husband Watching Porn