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MAKING a ACCOUNT Today we make a account in

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How to customize a to look like Use 'Jesus christ of nazareth The Prophet Christ' outfit. Wear 'Halo Of Ascension'. Use 'Dark Wreath Crown' 

I want to teach people the word of Christ on a game. Is

Is it racist if on I made a black (I'm not black and So making a 'Jesus' isn't anything like blasphemy. Sacril 

finally, my cosplay is complete :

- How's my Windows XP 168 upvotes · 60 comments 

Is banned on - Creations Feedback - Developer Forum

It's allowed but you have to be careful since does have rules about “discriminatory speech or action” against Religion or religious 

I've made a of Christ. It's not meant to be

I've made a of Christ. It's not meant to be offensive. I'm I being blasphemous for wearing it? Question. Sorry, this post 


is a global platform that brings people together through play.

"Get ready to recieve some holy spirit." :

Christ, Jojo edition. Reply reply. Award 0 awards. Share I'm making the ultimate tier list, send me your

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Christ almighty this sounds like a great way for people to roleplay even more innapropriate things with it lol… 4 Likes.

I made but he's tacticool :

Commissar_Maxwell · Uh… hmm he looks like a 1911 enjoyer ; u/HazeConfluxNexus · HazeConfluxNexus · get rid of the halo, add some camo gear, 

Jesus Roblox Avatar