

Laura's Spanking Corner

We're baaaaaack.. A fellow spanko who owns a Web hosting business offered to host the Corner for free, so it's back. I still don't have time to update it 

Black and White Illustration - Linden Artists

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my stories

This thread reminded me of this resource : Lauras Spanking Corner - which has virtually all of Mike from Londons stories as well as output from 

Spanking Stories - Lurking Dragon

Lurking Dragon has come up with a few itriguing settings for spanking story, the 28th Century, a midwestern college in 1971, and Hell.

Laura'S Spanking Corner - Porn Stories

It was a hot and balmy summer day, and Laura had decided to spend the day at her favourite corner of the park.

Spanking Stories -

This page contains some of the more interesting posts that I have made to Real Life Posts. Most of my posts are about real events in my 

Talia Nude – Telegraph

Lauras Spanking Corner · Bdsm Kitchen Twinks Troy And Andy Foot Fetish Fuck Das falsche loch. Mature Asian slut gets fucked by her bf. Bi 

Laura Videos

Laura got a speeding ticket and was punished for that. She got a good bare bottom spanking, cornertime, and then 20 strokes with our wooden paddle: 1 for 
