Loadstring Roblox
Wut is - Scripting Support - Developer Forum |
This will print I love in the console. However, noticed exploits were using this, and disabled the function. Most
at main · · GitHub
How to use - Scripting Support - DevForum |
I'm basically new to (Basically backdoors / viruses can use to run whatever it wants in your game).
Lua Globals | Documentation - Creator Hub
Returns an iterator function and the table for use in a for loop. string): Variant. Returns the provided code as a function that
How to execute lua without - DevForum |
Soo they don't really need ( and can only be done on the server in ). 4 Likes. ThoseNamesAreGood (lua)
2009 Lua: Get error - Stack Overflow
If I do print(loadstring("a")) it prints into the output nil [string "s"]:1: '=' expected near '' , which == nil. What I want to get
Using on the client - Scripting Support - DevForum |
I'm trying to achieve but on the client. Don't worry about any exploits that can arise with the method you have, although I don't want to be
is a global platform that brings people together through play.
Synapse X :
I'm trying to use a script in synapse x, but absolutely nothing - In a response to someone in a dday game.
[Solved] is not available? - Scripting Helpers
It doesn't effect my game/scripts at all but if you're like me then u want that error message GONE. 0.