male milking stories
male milking stories

Male Milking Stories

Gay - GayDemon

GayDemon's On this page you can find erotic fiction where you can read about cock machines and gay sessions listed by date. 183 Results

A new day for Hercules. Ray and Edith complete redesign of their home. A little insight into Mark and a new friend. A young man embraces his fate as a

Men | Lush

I have a small group of women who indulge in a fetish called 'Male they like to milk men as if they were cows, pulling on their cocks

This book, (Morning Glory Farm by C.M. Nacosta) has no

I feel like all other forms of media focus almost exclusively on pleasure, I'm not really here for that in romance books. I'm also not

The Factory Ch. 01 - Gay -

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[TOMT] [Story] Last man alive hooked up to "sexual machine

I remember reading this one sci-fi short story, possibly in Asimov's magazine, in which a young man (possibly a teenager) wakes up one day

Cum - Furry search engine

thank you for the awesome story again! "this is all a bit excessive, don't you think?" Cum, Erection, Falcon, Fox, Macro,

Goats (And Other Animal Lessons for 20-Somethings

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Welcome to the Salon! — CHYOA

You take a deep breath before pushing open the door to the salon. All characters in all on this site are over 18. CHYOA

Cum - Metabods Erotic Story Archive - Metabods

Well lets find out from Chris and Derek. Two, well know bodybuilders on the stage for the Bulge Competition. They've been juicing their cock and balls up over

Male Milking Stories