masturbation blog
masturbation blog

Masturbation Blog

Chronic |

The Bator by, provides exclusive stories (most of which are contributed by Bateworld members and staff), health tips, Batemaster advice

"Is a Sin?" You May Be Asking the Wrong Question

Chances are, if you're here, you've read other and opinions on that will erase the shame you feel about masturbating.

The M-Word — Riley With Courage

Welcome to the most requested I receive hundreds of messages about from people, mostly young girls, who have nowhere to

Proud Bator - May is Month - Liam Williams

Hey Bators it's our month this month! May is Month. If you didn't know that then that's cool, now you do.

My Official Stance On | Natasha Helfer Parker

So here goes my position: is not sinful behavior in of itself nor is it a transgression. She authors the Mormon Therapist

- The Holy Grain | Devotional

That's just it guys, I haven't, or don't believe that God will be enough. My urge to masturbate is so great that I can't see beyond it; I'm all

Escaping the Prison of the Self | Wesley Hill | First Things

involves this abuse of imagination in erotic matters BOB DYLAN BEAUTY BLACK LIVES MATTER BOBBY

Female as Resistance: Responding to the “Harm and

Office: · >> More Contacts. Copyright 2015 © Feminist Studies in Religion, Inc. All rights reserved. Direct questions to

Autism and Learning Disabilities - JKP

is often seen as a 'no go' area within RSE, but if it doesn't get discussed or the responsibilities of being a sexual being aren't

The 'M' Word - Is A Sin? - Christian Connection

'Some Christians say is sinful and we must strive to conquer it,' said the email. 'Others consider it normal and natural.

Masturbation Blog