matching roblox names
matching roblox names

Matching Roblox Names

100 Crazy And Cute Couple For Gamers

Gamertags For Couple · Apollo and Midnighter · Scott Summers and Jean Grey · Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy · Spiderman and Mary Jane Watson 

73 Best Display (Curated & Ranked) +

For Two Friends ; 25 · Lemon and Lime ; 42 · Sweet and Salty ; 29 · Sun and Moon ; 17 · Salt and Pepper ; 24 · Yin and Yang.

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Finding if the name matches from a table - DevForum |

Alright, so, I've recently tried to make some kind of script that identifies people's team name and checks if it's to at least one from a table, 

display Search

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Get player from aliases with UNKNOWN text in

How would I get player with aliases and text in string? … --something i tried ;/ function findPlayers(txt) local plrs = Players:GetPlayers() 

Strings | Documentation - Creator Hub

By itself, a character class only matches one character in a string. For instance, the following pattern ("%d") starts reading the string from left to right, 

How To Compare And Find Matches - DevForum |

Hi all, I'd like to know how to compare of children from a folder and a GUI. Here is my code so far: -- Compare images to values game.

340+ Ideas [For Couples, Best Friends]

340+ Ideas [For Couples, Best Friends] ; Bubbly Chubby; Handful and Beautsome; Cheese and Burger ; Sugar and Lime; Honey Bunny; Sweet and 

Can you do partial string with FindFirstChild by itself

The for loop detects whether the player's Name matches the partial string. For example, if the search bar input is Adopt , and the code above detects 

Matching Roblox Names