

New Evangelicalism about Me

The problems with Ortberg's book and theology are many. He has no concept about God's means of grace. He assumes that mysticism is valid, and his heroes 

John Ortberg on “The ME I Want to Be” and – Renovate

John Ortberg on “The ME I Want to Be” and · Leveraging technology to give people 'discernment' in spiritual life · Initial assessment: 

Taking the Assessment | ALC Lifegroups

is an incredible tool that has the potential to unlock some of the mysteries to spiritual growth by helping your group members see that 

Pak -

Description. is bigger than a internet-based application. is about becoming the best version of YOU that God designed. The experience 

Spiritual growth? There's an app for that –

The rather prosaic reality is that is a website that claims to diagnose your spiritual needs so that it can create a personal growth plan 

This is - Jesus Dust

The premise is to make spiritual growth less complicated, not easy. It must be time-consuming and it must be costly. is some ways similar to the rules of 

a Revolutionary On-Line Spiritual Assessment Tool

is a revolutionary way to look at your spiritual life. This innovative spiritual assessment tool helps you discover your personality, 

John Ortberg on and the Future of Spiritual - Jesus Dust

John Ortberg on and the Future of Spiritual Formation. "God is a handcrafter, not a mass producer," says John Ortberg a video promoting

Looking for Information about – orange asian man

The spiritual pathways assessment is no longer available. I contacted the publisher (Worthy Publishing), and they confirmed that no 
