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Naked Whiz

The Lump Charcoal Database -- Charcoal Ceramic

Reviews of many brands of lump charcoal, with viewer ratings.

Ceramic Charcoal Cooking, Kamado Style Cookers

Ceramic charcoal cooking, kamado cookers, barbecue, recipes, charcoal reviews and more!

Kamado Style Cookers and Lump Charcoal

Ceramic charcoal cooking, barbecue, recipes, cricket, photography and more.

Our Beginner's Guide to Pulled Pork -- Ceramic

First of all, you need to realize that a butt cooked at 220°F will take around 2 hours per pound. Do the math. An 8 pound butt will take 16-18 hours. You have

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Recipes - Ceramic Charcoal Cooking

Ceramic charcoal cooking, barbecue, recipes, charcoal reviews and more!

These folks are giving a run for his money! - Relevant

So they ranked this lump with 5 stars in every catorgory, something they've never done for any charcoal. It's mostly odorless and burns long and

TRex Method For New York Strip Steaks -- The

To accomplish this, I cook a 1.75” ROOM TEMPERATURE steak at 400° F dome temp for about 5 minutes per side (for medium, try 6 minutes per side). So wait about 5

New Charcoal Review — Big Green Egg Forum

We have just posted our latest lump charcoal review. This time it is the Cowboy Mixed Hardwood Lump Charcoal that is made in Mexico.

North Carolina Pulled Pork -- Ceramic Charcoal Cooking

3 LBS. cabbage; 3 ribs of celery · 1/2 Cup of white vinegar; 1/2 Cup of Apple Cider vinegar; 1/2 C olive oil (my twist) · 4 C cooked potatoes, cubed; 8 slices

Naked Whiz