playing roblox on steam deck
playing roblox on steam deck

Playing Roblox On Steam Deck

- guide :

If you open Grapejuice in Desktop mode (it's under Development rather than Games for some then click Player the left, then the Wine 

says it hasn't blocked Linux or but it's reportedly

But claims it's not there has been no change our end to specifically block Linux or since

became a thing again :

Open (do not enter Gaming Mode), click Add a Game the bottom-left → Add a Game → Scroll down until you see App" → 

Game over for Linux / as it's now blocked

Well, there it is, the update for has arrived that now forcefully blocks it from working with Wine Linux systems (like

for :

Here are the two videos I used to set up (and run in Game Mode) so I would try these steps if you haven't already. I hope 

:: General

Hi, my 13 year old is trying to get the and it doesn't appear to be launching. Is there a way around this using 

Is it true doesn't work anymore? :

Its simply not a market any game developer would invest into. top of that: Except for the - all other handhelds play perfectly 

:: General

please affiliate with company so the game will be playable through wine. Btw, excellent job at everything.

Any way to play Linux (Specifically a

Earlier today I wanted to boot up my and mess around in a few games while laying down, and I remember a few ago 

windows :: Discussões gerais

I have windows 10 my and doesn't seem to have support natively. With an xbox then it works.

Playing Roblox On Steam Deck