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porn spouse

Porn Spouse

Is It Sinful to Watch with My | Desiring God

Yes, it is. It is sin. And it is a revolting sin. In other words, in so many directions, defilement is happening in the mind that carries

PTSD from addiction : r/Christianmarriage

By all means hold your husband accountable by setting the expectation the behavior will not be tolerated but "keep your distance" from the

Responding to Your Husband's Secret: - Focus on the Family

When confronted with in your marriage, it's easy to let your mind race to catastrophic places. Try to listen. Seek to understand the

Advice on boundaries with struggling with : r

You need to communicate fully with him on how this is making you feel before it turns to full-on resentment. He needs to start with getting

My Unsaved Views and Doesn't Care — Biblical

Ladies, this may feel good in the short term, but it is a terrible violation of the command to respect your husband (Ephesians 5:22), even if you think he is

Should I tell my about my addiction

The longer the time period, the deeper the pain. Another great advantage of telling one's is the opportunity to share the recovery with

Finding Hope and Healing after Betrayal: Dealing with A

I had been married less than a year when I found out about my husband's struggles with I didn't know before we were married;

How Long Will It Take My to Heal from My Betrayal

If you aren't ready to stop watching having affairs, sleeping with prostitutes, or whatever your sexual drug of choice is, you're reading

When Your is Addicted to - Dr. Kim Blackham

A letter to the addict's · Remember this addiction is not about you, and it's not your fault. · Be sensitive about how you react/respond to your

Dear Annie: Here's How to Help Deal with Addiction

If he is completely in denial, then it is time to seek the help of a professional counselor — for you, so you can decide what to do. You might

Porn Spouse