Real Spanking Real Tears
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Spanked to @ Aloha Tube
Spanked to with the Bathbrush - for Letting Him Down. 08:41. Female To Female Hard Over The Knee With 19:29. Bizarre
How to Give a Disciplinary | by JC Cole | The
I've discussed this with many other disciplined husbands over the years. Many are like me, never getting to Many of those who have
The Psychology of Adult Vol. 3, Crying by
Jacqueline Omerta a licensed Marriage Family Therapist and adult fetishist talks about the deep, emotional relief attained when
A question for all spanked one male or female who are getting a
For those who got as a kid, how soon into the did you start to cry? When I was young, I began crying immediately.
On Being Spanked to Again | Alex in
I hear this often in comments various places where I post photos on the internet: “It's not a unless you make her cry.” I
The Michael Pearl | Child-Friendly Faith Project
The crying and stopping the car and continue with Pearl's approval. “This was repeated for about twenty miles down a lonesome highway
It's Not a Until - Professional DisciplinarianMiss Jenn Davis
It's Not a Until He's Crying cartoon. and you know I mean it! It won't be much longer until I've got you over my
The Psychology of Adult Vol. 3, Crying
Listen to The Psychology of Adult Vol. 3, Crying on Spotify. Jacqueline Omerta, MA, MFT · Album · 2010 · 9 songs.
Punishment - - Male
Alex has made a special paddle for one of our friends in California and needs to test it before he sends it in the mail. Pledge Eric rolls the dice and