roblox basepart
roblox basepart

Roblox Basepart

| Documentation - Creator Hub

is an abstract base class for in-world objects that render and are physically simulated while in the Workspace. There are several implementations 

What is the main difference with "Part" and - Scripting

is the abstract class for primitives. · You can use

| Wiki | Fandom

The class is a structural class that holds all the properties, methods and events common to part classes, such as Part, WedgePart, CornerWedgePart, 

How to make a base part? - Building Support - DevForum |

Hello, i am DestruidorDeHaters, first of all, sorry if this is in the wrong category, how do i make a Base Part ? i tried multiple times to find

- API Reference

History. Hide member changes. 576 Add · 574 Change Tags of from [NotReplicated] to 

Can Terrain not extend pls - DevForum |

I've never intentionally used the Terrain object. I emphasize not intentionally because I use it quite frequently unintentionally -- I end up with scripts 

How do i use - instead of

Hey! I am following a GnomeCode tutorial about making a Tower Defense game. But because of the new studio update, a warning comes up, 

not resizing specific side - DevForum |

When I resize a part (cylinder) with part:Resize(Enum.NormalId.Right, size) it should resize only to the right, but it grows to both sides.

List of all - Scripting Helpers

Hello, I was wondering if anyone had a list of all I am using 

Really fast way to check if something is a - Scripting

I have a VERY tight loop that runs on the entire world every RenderStepped. It's seriously tight and it's lagging the game.

Roblox Basepart