Roblox Gun Script
I made a custom - Code Review - DevForum |
Hey developers, I made a custom and I want to check what you guys think. My will not make a bullet to where the mouse if
MLG · GitHub
MLG local local shoot=false. player=nil so("",Part,1,1.5). swait(5).
How would you make a system? - Support - DevForum
I have been making stuff for a bit and I am not too confident in my raycasting abilities so I want to create a system.
= Tool0.Name = "Physics Uses Stravant's ScreenSpace Module Bug fix with existing welds ?
HELP! How could i a - DevForum |
Hello, I would like to know how I can make a basic weapon that shoots, could someone help me please… Any ideas or help with the code to be able to make my
Weapons Kit | Documentation - Creator Hub
Pistol · · Auto Rifle · Submachine · Sniper Rifle · Crossbow · Grenade Launcher · Rocket Launcher.
Random Weapon Spawning only Spawning 1 Weapon
Heya, I'm trying to make a random weapon spawning system. Its fairly easy this is the I have right now, -- Weapon Spawn Variables
Automatic - Tech with Mike
local = local = Shot']. local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').
Machine :) - Unity Answers
I need help i have a does any one know how to make it like a machine to where you can just hold the mouse button to fire
FE : r/ROBLOXExploiting
Items that u need Semi-Auto The it self: -- local unanchoredparts