Roblox Isa
Instance | Documentation - Creator Hub
returns true if the Instance's class is equivalent to or a subclass of a given class. This function is similar to the instanceof operators in other
How could i use Method? - DevForum |
() is similar than “Thing.ClassName”. It is just shorter and faster to use Example: for _, Child in pairs(script.
What is the event used for? - Scripting Helpers
Here's some more information if you need it: 1. It is also used to check if it inherits said
I want to know all - Scripting Support - Developer Forum |
Takes The Object Class”) In every Object or Item in in the properties you will see a Class section . Simply add the class in the () in
is a global platform that brings people together through play.
- Scripting Support - Developer Forum |
I'm trying to make a ragdoll, and this part won't work, but it doesn't give an error for k,n in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do if then
Singapore warns of via gaming as 2 teens issued
The gives the home affairs minister the power to detain multiple Islamic State-themed servers on a social gaming platform.
Not not functioning properly - DevForum |
I have a line in one of my scripts that only adds a client instance to a table if it's not a sound or another ClassName, however it still ends up adding all
DN on Twitter: "#Roblox | #RobloxDev | #DungeonQuest Atgeir
I tried putting Atgeir in google translate but it dont work. Pls tell me what the translation is. also it looks sick.
Two objects in () with a table? - DevForum |
Hi, I have a quick question, is it possible to use a table with 2 different objects to know if an object is a folder or a model? Or do I have to use