Roblox Memory Leak
Explain a - Scripting Support - Developer Forum |
A happens when you don't clear the you have used. This is almost always prevented using methods like garbage collection and
Consumption | Documentation - Creator Hub
can occur when you write scripts that consume that the garbage collector can't properly release when its no longer in use. are
How would I stop - Developer Forum |
Basically, if you create objects that are only needed temporarily, remember to destroy them. If you have connections being created in some sort
When do variables cause - Developer Forum |
It's due to var having a so called “Pointer” on the “Part”, so it just points towards the address of the part which doesn't get deleted on
Fixing - Scripting Support - Developer Forum |
If you need to hold references to instances, but still want them to be removed from when unneeded then consider using weak tables. Do you
Holy Mother of - Developer Forum |
as you can see in the PhysicsParts in the CLIENT SIDED usage only continues to climb. “What causes this,” you ask? Well, strangely enough
How do I spot and avoid - Developer Forum |
To find the source, one method I like to use is disabling everything one by one until it stops happening. Once you find the source, look for any
Would this be a cause for - Developer Forum |
are only caused by not destroying parts created in scripts when no longer needed, never disconnecting events on instances not
Issue - Scripting Support - Developer Forum |
You're not providing alot of information for us to work with. A is generally caused by a script not dumping a variable it is done
Garbage Collection and in - What you should
In order to prevent you need to make sure that your scripts don't hold any unneeded values. The lua do block is useful for