roblox metatable
roblox metatable

Roblox Metatable

| Documentation - Creator Hub

attach powerful metamethods to tables, allowing for manipulation like indexing, addition, and concatenation.

All you need to know about and Metamethods

It's just a matter of asking “when that metamethod fires”. The Dev wiki shows you all the metamethods has, describing when they 

Full Beginner Guide To - Developer Forum |

are a powerful feature in Luau, the programming language used in scripting. A is a special Luau table that allows us 

When to use - Developer Forum |

Most of the time you will use for OOP, but even there it isn't strictly necessary unless you deal with inheritance which is basically 

When is a 'really' required? - Developer Forum |

aren't essential to programming and are only really used when developers need to use OOP when developing their games. Some game 

Using Luau types with - Developer Forum |

The way to resolve this is to change the “:” to a “.” in the method declaration. You would then specify the type of “self”, which only works if 

metamethods for dummies - Developer Forum |

Ah yes, something that new scripters have a hard time grasping? Am I wrong? If so then prove me wrong.

What are meta tables and what are some examples to use them

Developer Forum | · What are meta tables and what are some There isn't really a definition to what a is.

What's the point/use-case in - Developer Forum |

allow us to change the behavior of a table. For instance, using we can define how Lua computes the expression a+b, where 

Accessing from other scripts - Developer Forum |

So basically I'm trying to access a from different scripts and I'd like to know if there's a proper way of doing so.

Roblox Metatable