Roblox Streaming
Content | Documentation - Creator Hub
In-experience content allows the engine to dynamically load and unload 3D content and related instances in regions of the world.
How useful is it to have Enabled? - DevForum |
Hello. I'm noticing a little bit of lag sometimes on a game I am working on. The game has around 24k parts ATM and I suspect that's the
| Documentation - Creator Hub
Controls stream in and out behavior of a model. Controls how model is streamed in and out when used in an experience that is enabled.
New Improvements to Enabled - DevForum |
In current models under the workspace that don't have part Atomic models can be sent due to other descendants being streamed,
Workspace | Documentation - Creator Hub
Maximum distance that content will be streamed to players. NOT SCRIPTABLE. Terrain: Terrain. A reference to the Terrain object
New Integrity Mode - Announcements - DevForum |
PauseOutsideLoadedArea only guarantees that your immediate surroundings are streamed in, but in return, it results in fewer pauses.
- Twitch
Worlds created on can be scripted using a sandboxed edition of Lua 5.1 to Anime Adventures UPD 14 2nd ASE Giveaway at the end of the stream!
Simulator -
Like the game and Join the group "Insight Game" to get a FREE PET! Use code 6klikes for 3k coins!! Like Goal = 15k Likes NEW CODE OR
Stream Browser
[ OFFICE!] Simulator -
Simulator . It's one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on NEW CODE AT 5K LIKES!