Roblox Studio Gravity
Workspace | Documentation - Creator Hub
Determines the acceleration due to applied to falling BaseParts. This value is measured in studs per second squared and by default is set to 196.2 studs
What is the best way to simulate - DevForum |
In your script set = 0 . That will keep objects from falling into the void. Then, your line forces will act as the for the parts.
Controller -
Check out Controller. It's one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on
Human Verification
JavaScript is disabled. In order to continue, we need to verify that you're not a robot. This requires JavaScript. Enable JavaScript and then reload the page.
Shift -
Check out Shift. It's one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on
How to change the effect of on only certain parts? - Scripting
I'm working on a new car chassis and I want the on it to be reduced I tried, but it didn't work, maybe it's because has changed.
Tower of Hell (Free Coil!) -
This game may contain Independent Ads. All Independent Ads are uploaded by our and all analytics are collected by our
Wall Controller - Developer Forum - DevForum |
This is now my third post regarding controllers. I've been playing around with them on A physics game built by geigop.
Is There Any Way That I Could Change the in
Just go into the Workspace in There should be a property of Workspace called which you can just set to 0.
How to lower for one player - DevForum |
Hi, I am making a low gamepass and am wondering how to change the for that player. I know for walk speed you can do: player.