roblox studio laggy
roblox studio laggy

Roblox Studio Laggy

[SOLVED] insane lag? - Scripting Support - Developer

[SOLVED] insane lag? · Opening a different place (Do you get the same lag?) · Check your GPU Drivers are up-to-date, if not, 

scripting makes my high-end pc lag like crazy : r

Disable G-SYNC or FreeSync in your graphics card's control panel. This completely resolves the issue for me.

suddenly - Platform Usage Support - Developer

suddenly · Restarted · Reset settings · Tried various settings (Frame rate manager, 

Extremely - Platform Usage Support

As Jax mentioned. Use task manager to find the bottleneck, make sure your drivers are up to date, otherwise reinstall and at worst 

How to stop lag - Scripting Support - Developer Forum |

Another good reason you could be receiving lag in or in-game might be because you have a malicious file or plugin installed currently and 

started lagging all of the sudden - Building Support

You probably have a virus from a free model, check some of the scripts and models you have, if you see something suspicious, tell me! Because 

How can I fix lag on - Platform Usage Support

Can you open task manager while it's running and see in the performance tab whether anything is being maxed? If not I would check all my drivers 

is being Extremely on PC/Windows 10

If you have multiple monitors running at once, that could contribute to the problem. Although it is odd that the lag would only happen in

How to reduce lag on a game? - Developer Forum |

Hello Both in and when I test my game it always lags. I don't know if it my pc or just the amount of items I put on my 

Interaction with Script Editor really on Windows - Bugs

Make sure all instances of are closed · Win+R, regedit · Go to · Right click “ 

Roblox Studio Laggy