roblox udim2
roblox udim2

Roblox Udim2

| Documentation - Creator Hub

The data type represents a two-dimensional value where each dimension is composed of a relative scale and an absolute offset. for a coordinate used in 

fromOffset & fromScale to take Vector2 and Vector3 inputs

As a developer, it is currently too hard to create from vectors When doing math related to ui it's generally easier to perform 

What is and how do I use it? - DevForum |

Hi! I need a hand, I have read the documentation and seen some posts in the forum but it has not been very helpful, someone could explain to me what it is 

What is a Value? - Scripting Support - DevForum |

A is a combination of two UDims, one for X and one for Y. It's used for setting the size and position of UI elements. 

How to get the value X offset value of a Value - Scripting

As the heading says i want to get the X offset value of a so that i can reduce it by 20% now if the value = {0.2,0},{0.5,0} Then 

Why wont these values add? - DevForum |

Here I have an imageLabel I want to set a textLabel's position to the imageLabel's position with a slight offset. But it wont work here is my code; 

How do I multiply values? - DevForum |

Exactly what the title says, I am confused on how to do this, I am trying to multiply my offset size by 4 but nothing seem to work.

Saving Value and then Loading it - DevForum |

Keep it simple and clear! I want to save a Value and then load it; What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! The saving 

Comparing value's - Scripting Support - DevForum |

Size - if script.Parent.Size

How do I get the two scale values in a - DevForum |

I'm trying to get the scale values of of a gui so that I can offset its position. How will I be able to do this?

Roblox Udim2