roblox uno script
roblox uno script

Roblox Uno Script


plus4Cards = true wildCards = true actionCards = true autoJoinMatch = false autoCreateAI = false autoCreateMatch = false 

| AI bot

- This new for will basically play fully automatic for you! The auto lobby will make a lobby that 

- Cheats, Hacks and Codes

In this section you can download free cheats and codes for the game We are constantly updating this section and are 


· do · local w1 = library:KRNL_0bebcb447a7726(true) · -- locals · local Player = game:GetService("Players") · local LP = Player.

[Roblox [REL] [Bot] [Auto] [Update]

--Game: local = CreditsCategory:Sector("Cheat Credit:")

Ban GUI is banning the whitelisted player saying that they exploited

I made this local DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local UserId, "attemptbanowner") player:Kick("MrOofBoyPlayz: Reverse Card!


Ok as people make for this game people relise that the same uh, vouch i guess. i mean i dont see who would exploit in but ya 

pastebin 2022 ( auto play, auto win,change card

injector : :

How do I get UniverseId from PlaceId? (ROBLOX API) -

[] Use place id to get universe id. How would I be able to retrieve another game's That just changes a value to game.GameId.

(Auto Slap, Official & More) 2022

Since there aren't that many functioning you can rest certain that you've found the greatest hack for 

Roblox Uno Script