Roblox Userinputservice
| Documentation - Creator Hub
is a service used to detect the type of input available on a user's device via the use of a `Class.LocalScript`.
How do you use - Developer Forum |
So I was practicing a little bit of scripting in studio, whilst watching Peaspod's Advanced Tutorial on key pressing events.
| Documentation - Creator Hub
The InputBegan event fires when a user begins interacting via a Human-Computer Interface device (mouse button down, touch begin,
- Developer Forum |
Hello there, I am trying to make a player carry system but, doesn't work. It doesn't even fire.
How do i know the mouse's target using - Scripting
MouseBehavior and As said in this page: Mouse | Documentation - Creator Hub. Tho it also says
Not Working? - Developer Forum |
add a bunch of print() s in between lines, and turn on lua debugger for all exceptions to find where the code stops executing or if it executed
UIS Help - Developer Forum |
Hello people of the Developer Forum I'm trying making a bomb but I'm having a smol problem: local UIS =
Which is better for detecting/handling mouse actions
Developer Forum | · Which is better for detecting/handling let's you easily get things like the mouse's delta
ContextActionService or - Developer Forum |
ContextActionService is a great way to create buttons, make keybind, and controller or mobile support. can still do all these
What's the difference between ContextActionService and
Developer Forum | · What's the difference between is used more frequently from what I know, its a