Sexe St Jerome
Saint on Marital
plainly taught that there are sexual sins within marriage. The idea that “nothing is shameful” as long as the marital act occurs at some point in
What Blessed Franz Zélie Martin and
who is celebrated by the Church on Sept. 30, is known for his Bible translation, referenced as Vulgate. Pope Francis
BJ Rye | University
I have taught many sexuality-related courses such as introduction to human sexuality, psychological perspectives on gender and sex, and psychosexual
Focus on Geography Series, 2011 Census - Census subdivision of
Census subdivision of Saint-Jérôme, V - Quebec · Population and dwelling counts · Age and sex · Families and households · Language.
These Pammachius and his other friends had withheld from publication, thinking that had unduly exalted virginity at the expense of marriage. at
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What was the nature of disagreements between and
I have recently found out that my two favourite Church Fathers, and somewhat disliked each other and had some
Marriage, Celibacy, and the Hierarchy of Merit in the Jovinian
Even within marriage, in opinion, sex is counterproductive to one's spiritual growth. (15) Jovinian, quoted in
Spiritus Paraclitus (September 15, 1920) | BENEDICT XV
5. Pope Damasus had to him a laborious task is in complete agreement with who sums up the general