Strike Witches Fanservice
: r/anime
I have googled "Strike and was thoroughly disappointed. Apparently it was censored and what not.
Misconceptions on Anno & - Forum - an
He's also a documented fan of which is EXTREMELY Not to mention, he said this (as documented on this forum http://
Any animes like : r/anime
Like I dont exactly mind fan service if it is done well. For example how A World Of Reversed Morals has tons of but does it very well
Every Anime is an Argument against
Well, you just have to look at the premise. is essentially about a group of sexy (and mostly underage) anime girls flying around
– It's not about anymore | Open Your Mind
What caught my attention first was the reason why Sakamoto's magic shield didn't work previous episode. Apparently, there's an Achilles heel to
The Pantsu Problem | Watashi Wa Bucho!!
However, the in is not just ridiculous, but also extremely problematic. You may want to grab a cuppa, as this is
AccountPostsCommentsHelpSystemTagsWiki · AllMy FavoritesPopular Season:Strike 147 ? Season:Strike 2, 115 ? Movie:Strike
aside, how is - Forums -
Sarcasm, right? Also, the first episode has the majority of the blatant in it. In the episodes after that it's still there it just
and Sengoku Basara – the Nudity of Concept – Don't
That a sort of nudity on the part of the entire show, is what I will now explore. The Bones of My Boner. The Nakedness of
Reviews: Brave - IMDb
but compared to the original anime, this spinoff disappoints. Brave minimizes the Anybody who watched 'Strike