What Is The Max Friends On Roblox
Amount of Allowed - Playbite
currently caps at 200. means that a player can have up to 200 at any given time.
you can have 200, i have 201 >:) : r
you can have 200, i have 201 >:) it possible to learn power? and no i did not inspect element
Can we just have unlimited already? - DevForum |
“200 friend limit because of VIP Servers, you are cheating system because developers are not making because would use people VIP
Why does have a amount of Why can't you just
doesn't have unlimited server space. has a limit how much storage can be used for each part of and limit
User can send friend request with - DevForum |
limit to help with its servers. A of 200 for every user takes up less space a server than users having thousands of 2
| Wiki | Fandom
currently thinking about renaming to Best and giving a 900 limit. can follow you, but can get unlimited
I have 120 and almost all of talk or
Remember that allows you to have up to 200 so I wouldn't waste a friend slot a account. I would also suggest you go through
- Alexa Answers
Why can't I add people - Quora
amount of you can have two hundred (200). So you probably need to get rid of people you never really hang out with, or if account has
How do I Purchase and Private/VIP Servers? –
creator has enabled private servers experience, you can use Robux to purchase a private server you can enjoy with you invite.