will roblox ban people under 13
will roblox ban people under 13

Will Roblox Ban People Under 13

Why does from saying

the age of because they don't want kids giving their age or phone number IP adress and all that, 

I get if I signed up when I was :

No, won't be kids from accessing For one, that is one of the stupidest things they could possibly do. Almost half of 

We Need an User Detection Bot - Forum Features

moderation does their best spending users who are age seeing as it is the law and we're not here because we like to bully

Why did think that it was a good idea to not allow your

You can only change your age if your account says you are over anything and it won't allow you to change it.

We need better security to prevent users - #36 by

I mean Discord has its own system on (with most I know got falsely xD) I wonder if would harsh the 

Community Standards – Support

around the world. We've created these Note: Applying a Experience Guideline does not hide ad content from users the age of

Upcoming Changes for Experience Recommendations - #17 by

the age of 9. 6 Likes those IN PERSPECTIVE. We you or you if you don't comply.

All Advertising Aimed at Children

no longer allow advertisements aimed at children as part of a set of standards the company is rolling out to more 

We need better security to prevent users - #35 by

I mean Discord has its own system on (with most I know got falsely xD) I wonder if would harsh the 

Louisiana passes bill kids from the internet without parental

The bill, HB61, would “interactive computer services” from allowing 18 to sign up for their own accounts without parental 

Will Roblox Ban People Under 13