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Sacs: Answers to the Questions you may be too EmbarrASSed
was suffering from an sac problem. When I asked the worried parents if they were familiar sacs the female owner
My has a white discharge coming out of her anus. She had her
The white discharge appears when she has to poop, and is gone after she poops. Is the white discharge normal? Pet's info: | Beagle | Female
My female French keeps scooting. We've found that it isn't
We've found that it isn't her glands or her anus, but her vagina that she's scratching. It's red and inflamed, and has a dark brown residue
My anus is leaking a sticky, white fluid that smells vaguely of
has gland problems. Best to leave glands alone Is it a male or female If it is a female are you sure it's her anus?
Expert Answers: Female Swollen Anus and Related Issues
can get their glands impacted / blocked and this can then lead to a secondary infection that abscesses there. If you can visibly see
How urgent is this? glands? :
54 votes, 40 comments. Hello, this morning I noticed a big lump on my (5 years old, female, cca 6kg) anus and I am freaking out.
My older obsessively licks my other anus and humps him
Certain infections smell the same as a female in heat, from their perspective, so any time a male whether they're fixed or intact,