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Bronx Saving Wildlife and Wild Places
General information, history, map, education program summary, animal photos and descriptions, and calendar of events. Part of The Wildlife Conservation
The Oregon connects our community to the wonder of wildlife to create a better future for all. We are a hub for science, conservation, education and animal
Elephant Cam | San Diego Safari Park
You are watching archived footage of the elephant herd at the San Diego Safari Park, recorded at an earlier date. The live cam is temporarily
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Los Angeles and Botanical Gardens
Our Mission: Saving Wildlife, Enriching Our Communities, Creating Connections to Nature.
Asian small-clawed otter | Smithsonian's National and
Asian small-clawed otters are the smallest of all 13 otter species and are native to Asia. Well adapted to life in the water, these social,
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Lovelorn red panda escapes from Virginia - BBC News
officials say that a female red panda named Sunny has been missing from its enclosure since Monday afternoon.
(PDF) Animal Welfare: The Human Dimension
pronounced in the. exhibit where visitors were kept well below the Applied Animal Behaviour Science,133(1–2), 1–10. Coe, J. (1999). Increasing