Roblox Destroyed
Instance.Destroying not working - Developer Forum |
I'm not sure what is wrong with my code but it doesn't seem like Instance.Destroying is working local Folder ="Folder") Folder
Instance.Destroying | Documentation - Creator Hub
Fires immediately before the instance is via Class.Instance:Destroy().
How do I detect when a model is being - Scripting
Developer Forum | · How do I detect when a model is being Help and Feedback Scripting Support · scripting, destroy, model.
making parts reappearing - Stack Overflow
making parts reappearing I've made a game where you step on a specific tile this part gets I want to make it that
Detecting When a Part is - Developer Forum |
Hello there! I was wondering if there is a way to detect if a part in workspace was and if so, run the script.
Someone an early in game development from team
So me and my team are making a game and one day someone points out that the game is ruined. I make several saves every week but I
Event - Developer Forum |
Event The event would fire once after all other events have disconnected, then it will disconnect itself
HAHAHAHA i know im gonna get for this but : r/roblox
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